
FESTIVAL MATRIOSHKA: A poster in service of propaganda

Advertising.  There is a lot of it. It’s absolutely everywhere. It forces on us its flashy content in our homes, on the street, at work. Future, past or present politicians are speaking to us, half-naked girls are promising exciting experience during MOT.  A priceless helper in your household - removes all stains! Besides, we are calling, spending and saving, buying and selling 100% recipes for beauty, happiness and prosperity.

We got used to it. Our brains have adapted. We don’t even notice the adverts anymore, we are sorting  out the information at supersonic speed, our memory is at level of goldfish and we have a concentration of mini pincher.

But this is NOTHING, NOTHING compared to, what those, who are old enough to remember the National Committees, National Security and Unified Co-op, had to endure to. Just imagine  the state  which is all up in your face yelling  empty slogans  and smiling faces of anonymous workers; where at schools, in offices, in television, at work and in newspapers you can receive only approved, correct and appropriate  point of view at society, system and the world. Forget an individual, you are just a cog in the machine, daily scrubbed, formed and controlled. PROPAGANDA.

PROPAGANDA is “an influencing of a  wide range of people with certain ideas and opinions, their familiarity with the provisions of state or government authorities; dissemination of ideas and opinions in order for them to gain adherents. "

One of her many faces you will be able to see in the gallery Pyecka from 12.11. to 25.11. We will exhibit political posters of propaganda from former Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia and surrounding countries, so you can see with your own eyes, how far can one go in its idealogical battle for mind, heart and a should of a man.

For free sandwiches and wine, come see the opening on 12.11.! Each and every one of you!